The way to preserve your Oculus Quest 2 from fogging up

Oculus Quest Vs Quest 2 Inside Lenses OnSource: Nick Sutrich / Android Central

The Oculus Quest 2 has a fogging problem. It’s a common complaint on Reddit and VR forums, and something our own staff has come across while playing active games that will make you sweat. Fortunately, there are some documented solutions to the problem, although some require purchasing accessories. We are here to explain why your Quest 2 is fogging up and how to prevent your Quest 2 from fogging in the first place.

What causes lens fogging in VR headsets?

Do you know how the windshield of your car steams up on a cold morning? The same problem occurs with your VR headset. Your lenses sit at room temperature. So if you suddenly come into contact with a sweaty forehead just a few centimeters away, the temperature difference leads to condensation. Add sweat from workout apps, an overly warm foam surface, and a tight seal around your nose blocking both light and fresh air, and it’s no wonder your fog keeps fogging up!

Even so, fogging Quest 2 shouldn’t be a permanent problem if you have the right strategy and equipment. Let’s dive into a few!

Warming up the headset

Oculus Quest 2 Foggy Hair Dryer

Source: Michael Hicks / Android Central

Quest 2 fogging comes from a temperature difference, so the most common solution is to preheat your headset before playing. Place your Quest at an angle on your forehead for 5-10 minutes without actually playing anything. Using your body heat, it naturally warms your lenses without breaking a sweat.

If you’re impatient, you can also manually heat it with a hair dryer. Just don’t turn it too hot or let stray hairs blow on the lens.

Use a fan

Until you are comfortable with VR (or get your “VR legs”), prolonged use of a headset will inevitably leave you feeling sweaty and uncomfortable. A natural solution is to keep your body artificially cool. Set your central air or window unit to a comfortably low temperature, then use a directional fan to blow the air directly onto the uncovered part of your face. The bigger the fan the better, as the best Oculus Quest 2 games make you dance and move away from the path of the airflow.

District cooling

Vornado fan

Vornado circulating air fan for the whole room

No fog? No sweat!

This model is available in different sizes depending on your budget and the size of your room. There’s even the option to voice-activate it with an Alexa speaker so you don’t have to take off your headset. It’s powerful with four speed settings depending on how hard you train.

Try a new replacement for the facial interface

Oculus Quest 2 VR Cover Winter Edition

Source: Nick Sutrich / Android Central

The standard foam interface is so terrible that Oculus willingly recalled it and sent people a replacement silicone case. But aside from causing a rash on your skin, the new gasket doesn’t let in a lot of air, which is contributing to the fogging of Quest 2. But if you look at some of the best face covering alternatives, you will see some with better nostrils specifically designed to prevent fogging, along with some custom pads with cooling material to keep you more comfortable. One of these models should hopefully get you going for fogging up.

For example, try the VR cover for Oculus Quest 2. In our test, we found it to be much more comfortable than the stock Quest 2 foam; More importantly, our reviewer said it “helps reduce lens fogging. I’ve always had a major problem with lens fogging on every VR headset, and I’ve found these vents help a lot. There are Still a little fogging at first, but it goes way faster than using the standard gasket that comes with the Quest 2. “

Passive fog removal

VR cover Quest 2 Winter Edition

VR cover face interface and foam replacement set

Better comfort, less fog and more hygienic

This facial interface is what Oculus should have designed the standard Quest 2, with a polyurethane leather material and better ventilation than what we got. VR Cover knocked it out of the park, which is why Oculus made it an official accessory.

Eyeglass wearers: try out lens inserts

Some Quest 2 users with glasses complain that it is not the headset’s lenses that fog up, their own. We hope all of the options on this list will help you resolve this issue, but if it is a persistent problem you could invest in some VirtuClear prescription lens inserts to replace the standard lenses. This ensures that you can see your favorite VR games clearly without having to push your glasses in.

Adjust your fit

Oculus Quest 2 with VR masking tape

Source: Nick Sutrich / Android Central

This may seem simple, but you may just be wearing the Quest 2 too tightly to reduce bleeding easily. This increases sweat at the interface and reduces the necessary air flow. Leave a little space between the headset and your nose. Yes, it will let in a bit of light, but hopefully let in more cool air as well.

Of course, wearing the Quest 2 looser can be a problem when you’re using it for more active experiences. Some of us still comfortably use the standard strap this way, but if you want an upgrade, try the Elite Strap or one of the best Elite Strap alternatives. Each of them can hold the headset more securely but still leave space around the nose. Some people also say that fogging was reduced for them after adding the glasses spacer or a new Fit Pack option, although we cannot confirm this in person.

Get the right fit

Oculus Quest 2 Elite Belt

Quest 2 Elite Belt

The Quest 2 Elite Strap replaces the standard strap that comes with the headset. It’s also more ergonomic, so you’ll be more comfortable while reducing fogging.

Use a microfiber cloth

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, the lenses will fog up. In this case, you should have a microfiber cloth on hand to clean it. Hopefully you’ll wipe away any worst of condensation or smudges, and it’ll be slower to build up again next time. You should specifically use microfiber as anything else could damage the lenses.

Isn’t that doing it for you? Various companies sell anti-fog sprays that synthetically remove fogging from glasses. We personally avoid these as Oculus says not to spray anything on the Quest 2 lenses for fear of damaging them. Some users swear by it; we just think they’re not a good long-term solution, no matter.

Wipe away the fog

Magicfiber microfiber cloths

MagicFiber microfiber cleaning cloths

Clean your lenses responsibly

Any microfiber cloth you use on your glasses will work here. But if you’re lucky enough to not need glasses, or you run out of clean ones, you can get your hands on a number of these for a decently low price. Gently wipe away the mist without worrying about scratching your lenses.

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