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Dialing within the Proper Stage of VR Depth

When you climb onto a treadmill or a recumbent bike and set the speed or resistance level, you can expect a consistent level of output. In other words, if you're on a treadmill and suddenly speed up or stop, it won't give a damn. You…

Dialing within the Proper Degree of VR Depth

When you climb onto a treadmill or a recumbent bike and set the speed or resistance level, you can expect a consistent level of output. In other words, if you're on a treadmill and suddenly speed up or stop, it won't give a damn. You…

Dialing within the Proper Stage of VR Depth

When you climb onto a treadmill or recumbent bike and adjust the speed or resistance, you can expect consistent performance. In other words, if you sit on a treadmill and suddenly accelerate or stop, it doesn't matter. You tell the…