Resident Evil four VR releases on Oculus Quest 2 subsequent month

Resident Evil 4 VR will be released for Oculus Quest 2 next month.

The virtual reality port was announced at the Resident Evil Showcase in April and gave the 2005 classic a new touch of first-person color. Many of the game’s objects and menus have been redesigned to flow better with a VR setup. The classic pause screen is fully interactive and can grab weapons and objects and rearrange them freely. Weapons are also grasped outside of the body and not in a menu – weapons can be taken from the hip, while healing items are grasped from the left shoulder and a knife from the chest.

It also looks like there are a couple of different options for movement. You can choose to play while standing or sitting, and you can either move around with the analog stick or by teleporting Leon around. There are also twist-snap and quick-turn options available that are always close at hand.

According to a handy preview from IGN, certain transitions – like jumping from Leon’s first-person perspective or watching him climb a ladder in third-person perspective – can be clunky and getting used to where objects are on your body , can take some time. But overall it seems like a good time and a nice way to refresh a 16 year old game. It’s also the first Resident Evil VR experience on PC – while Resident Evil 7 came with virtual reality, it was unfortunately held exclusively for PlayStation VR users.

Resident Evil 4 VR will be released on October 21st and is exclusive to Oculus Quest 2.

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