Newest Oculus Quest 2 replace enables you to movie your self in VR – in case you personal an iPhone

The latest update to Oculus Quest 2 brings mixed reality casting to the VR headset so you can effectively film yourself in a virtual reality room. So far, only six of the best VR games are compatible – like Beat Saber and Pistol Whip – but the new feature is capable of filming you pretty convincingly about the game you’re playing.

As reported by RoadToVR, this new Quest and Quest 2 function is unfortunately only compatible with Apple phones, especially the iPhone XR, XS, XS Max, SE (2. So you must have one of Apple’s flagship phones, to try out mixed reality casting.

It is currently unknown if the feature will make its way to Android phones in the future, but we hope it will.

Frequent Oculus Quest users may recall a similar feature called Live Overlay which could also place an image of the player in the game instead of the usual avatar. However, the new mixed reality casting differs in that it integrates the player better into the game – although this increased complexity is likely why the feature is currently only available in six games.

Mixed reality casting isn’t the only feature added in the latest v35 update, either. There is also global cloud storage, a much-needed feature that automatically backs up your Oculus Quest 2 save files. Do you need to uninstall Resident Evil 4 VR for something else? Don’t worry, your scores will be saved in the cloud for future reference.

Another new addition is adding voice calls to the Facebook Messenger app for Oculus Quest devices. However, you may not see this feature right away as Meta has confirmed that it will be rolled out “in the coming weeks.” So don’t be surprised if the function doesn’t start immediately with the new update.

Analysis: do we need mixed reality casting?

Oculus Quest 2’s new mixed reality casting feature, as you can see in the video above, isn’t perfect. It’s easy to see choppy outlines around the player, made even more noticeable by a highly kinetic game like Beat Saber.

However, the addition of the feature is a net plus overall. Similar setups can be achieved with expensive, complex green screen setups. But we bet most Oculus Quest 2 users don’t have the resources (or the space) to make this a reality. Instead, a much simpler solution built into the VR headset is a fantastic alternative.

So who can win? For one, smaller content creators who deal with VR have a whole new feature to play with. Having a second person operating the phone camera to capture the event can result in pretty creative entertainment without spending a penny more on a professional setup.

Our only real complaint would be that we’d love to see mixed reality casting for more Oculus Quest 2 games in the future, especially the Resident Evil 4 VR mentioned above or other horror games like Edge of Nowhere or Dreadhalls.

Update v35 also came out at just the right time, as we’ve gone live with some pretty good deals on Cyber ​​Monday Oculus Quest 2 in the past few days, which means there are likely to be more than a few new users of the Meta VR headset .

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