How To Use Oculus Quest 2 Wirelessly With Your PC
If you’re looking for a VR headset this size, consider an Oculus Quest 2, one of the best VR headsets of 2021. Facebook’s latest iteration of the wireless headset brings some big improvements, including a bigger one Refresh rate, high resolution, and most importantly, a lower starting price. There are really no downsides to getting this over the original quest.
That’s a big deal when you consider how malleable the Quest 2 really is, especially if you have a powerful PC to add more graphically sophisticated games to your game library on the go. Since the first Quest, you’ve been able to plug the headset into a PC and play games designed for the (now discontinued) Oculus Rift as well as all SteamVR titles. Oculus has made it even easier by relaxing the requirements of the cable used so that even the included charging cable can be used. If your PC is powerful enough, you can immerse yourself in the extensive library of Oculus Rift games without any additional hardware.
But when you’re enjoying the freedom of true wireless VR that the Quest offers, it’s hard to get reconnected. With the right setup and a little patience, however, this can also be recreated for PC-based titles with an app called Virtual Desktop.
With Virtual Desktop you can stream the contents of your desktop over your Wi-Fi network to the Oculus Quest, similar to Remote Play on the Xbox Series X or PlayStation 5. The app is optimized for VR, meaning with the right setup you can use the Achieve the low latency necessary to avoid getting motion sick immediately when you move.
The only downside is the initial setup which can be a bit cumbersome. It involves learning how to side-load apps onto the Oculus Quest, which requires you to put the headset in developer mode and fiddle around with the PC. It’s not too complicated, however, and UploadVR has a comprehensive guide to help you through the whole process.
Virtual desktop is also $ 20, and you need to make sure you can plug your PC directly into your router. Your router is also an important part of the chain and for best results it needs to support a 5 GHz band to provide the strongest connection to the headset. If you can also keep this frequency open exclusively for the quest, that will help your experience.
I used Virtual Desktop and my original Oculus Quest to completely play through Half-Life: Alyx earlier this year after hours of trying to get Oculus Link working reliably with no success. After the initial hurdle in setting up, getting back into the games was a breeze and the overall experience was incredibly powerful. Not only was the graphics sharp, but the latency was imperceptible even when I was caught in a frantic firefight or ripped a head cancer out of my face. Best of all, no wires to trip over.
It’s not a solution that works for everyone, and Oculus Link has certainly gotten better since the beginning of the year. But for $ 20 and a little bit of your time, it’s worth trying out a potentially transformative way to play PC VR games.
We test Half-Life Alyx on every large VR headset
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